Casino Slots


Posted by Jared | Posted in Slots | Posted on 31-07-2024

Modern casino slot machine games are controlled by a computer, and the win %s are pre-programmed into the game software.

Casino slot games have Random # Generators which are continually generating combinations, even when the game is not currently being played.

Running side by side with the random # generator of the casino one-armed bandit is the pay out rate percent.

The payout per cent controls just how much the slot machine game will pay out, for example the payout % might be ninety percent, which means the slot game will pay out 90% of all the bets played, … the casino will then get to keep 10 percent.

This doesn’t mean that every time you bet 10 credits you will receive 9 in return – where is the fun … excitement in that? Instead, the casino one arm bandit just won’t payout for a while, and then suddenly hit a hot streak and you might catch the big top prize.

The pay out %s will most likely vary between the assorted games and just a few of the most famous casinos, for e.g Golden Online Casino, which provides a payout of up to ninety five percentage!

Thus, in essence, the slot machine game takes all the funds played into it and pays it out to a number of lucky winners. The casino only gets to keep a generally indistinct percentage of all the odds made.

The casino one armed bandit software controls each and every part of the machine, from the dazzling lights to the circulating of the reels.

When you hit spin on the slot machine, a combination is formed by the RNG which is linked to the pictures on the reel.

Slot Machine Location


Posted by Jared | Posted in Slots | Posted on 15-07-2024

[ English ]

Books have been written on this matter, and the contention and discourse about where the "hot" slot machine games are installed in the casino are still passionate – more than sixty yrs after the slot machines were first added to the gaming floor in casinos.

The quintessential rule is that the superior slot machines were located just inside the main door of the casino; so that everyone passing by would be able to see actual jackpot winners and be convinced to come into the casino and play. Our assurance is that this is definitely no longer the case.

Nearly all of the large casinos today are monstrous complexes … it is not possible to see inside from the sidewalk, so there is no longer a reason to position the ‘loose’ slot games near any doors.

Another traditional rule is that loose slots are placed on the major aisles inside the casinos, again so that more folks could see winning jackpots and be galvanized to play. However, we find that this also isn’t a universal rule any more.

What casinos found over the years is that people walking down the busy aisles were frequently on the way to somewhere else. If they played slots at all, they would simply put in their loose change because they happened to be walking by. Win or lose, they would very often not stop to keep playing. And the last thing a casino wants is for someone to win a jackpot by playing only a few coins and then not stay to put it all back in!

Today, casinos are constantly changing their philosophy about where to place the loose one armed bandits.

Internet Gambling Dens – Slot Machines Are Great For Beginners


Posted by Jared | Posted in Slots | Posted on 12-07-2024

Trying to be conscious of all the game play methods for gambling hall games such as poker, sic bo, and blackjack can result in a very large headache (notably for newbies). If all you are seeking to do is experience some enjoyment, and gamble with a minimum of money, then I recommend giving slot machines a chance. Not only are they a ton of fun, with a lot of choices, sounds, colors, and jackpots, they’re also very simple to wager on. Which is awesome if you are a new player who does not want to become bowled over! Below are 3 tricks for newcomers who visit internet gambling halls.

Hint One – Enjoy Slots

There is zip worse than being an amateur and never understanding what to do. Don’t get bowled over by more complex casino games such as Texas Holdem poker, or video poker. If your primary aim is purely to have a bit of enjoyment, then I recommend playing on slots.

Trick 2 – Put Tinier Bets

You are not going to experience much excitement if you gamble too much and throw away all of your bankroll right away. I insist on that amateurs make lower bets. That way, they will be able to achieve much greater fun, and last much longer while at the same time becoming accustomed with each of the gambling den games.

Trick 3 – Have a Blast

We aren’t going to survive to the end of time, so attempt to experience as much fun as possible. Online gambling dens are all about having excitement, and scoring a bit of cash if you are blessed on the day.